Saturday, January 29, 2011

Artist Statement~

I can’t remember when I began to create, but I’m sure it was as a child.   My childhood was lonely being an only child.   It wasn’t unusual to hear “go to your room and play”.  My imagination started there and has developed over the course of 40 years.

It’s impossible to choose one medium to work in.  Currently, my creativeness is flowing through glass beads.  The colors, shapes and textures inspire me to create pens, cocktail picks and jewelry.

Sketching relaxes me.   I have sketches from childhood and sketches I recently found from 10 years ago.   I enjoy looking through magazines and books for inspiration.

Greeting card making happened accidently.  I found through mixing the textures, colors and layers of papers it gives me a release of imagination and a way to share my passions with others.  The idea of sending a card is lost in today’s society. I’d like to think I’m rekindling the love of receiving a handmade note.

I’m inspired most by colors, texture, pictures and sound.  The only way I can explain it is, when I see something that catches my eye or touches my inner artist voice, I have to have it or find a way to recreate my version of it.   Music invokes my emotions.  Most often it will be playing as I create my next piece.  It can be today’s top 40, a “classic” from the 80’s or the standards of Frank Sinatra.

My other interests painted with a broad stroke would include museums, music, culinary arts, food art, animals, New York City, estate sales, and flea markets.  Pretty much anything I see on a daily basis that strikes “that feeling” in my soul.


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